Welcoming 2024: An Ode to the Year Past
In the Kitchen with Melodie Vise: Carrying on the Tradition

Whether you are a “New Year, New Me” or a “New Year, Same Me”, one thing is certain, self-reflection can be a good thing.
I saw this quote that resonated with me about setting goals in the new year... “The version of you that carried you through this year, somehow, thank her with gratitude before you tell her what she can do better in 2024”.
This year, as we move through our lives, our careers, our callings, let us not forget our “why”. Whether you are the social worker tirelessly pouring yourself into patients and their families, or you are the loved one that has become the caregiver and decision maker to your senior. I want to encourage you to remember your “why”, reflect on the good, let go of the not so good, and give yourself grace in the coming year. We see you, and we appreciate you!
Carrying on the Tradition
As we embark on a new year, I wanted to share one way I was recently reminded of the reason I founded Next Home Senior Advisors. My “why” if you will.
Over the holiday, my father and I got in the kitchen together and baked a recipe that is very special to our family and our heritage. My Czech grandmother’s famous apple strudel.

The handwritten strudel recipe has hung in a frame on the wall in my kitchen for many years. Although I had never attempted to make the treasured recipe, just seeing her handwriting, and remembering the special recipe brings a sense of joy.
My grandmother was a proud hardworking farm wife. There was nothing she couldn’t do, her hands were never idle, and she seemed to have an endless supply of energy and zest!
Seeing her age was bittersweet. Each visit more precious, each hug a little tighter than the one before.
She was able to live out her life with dignity due to the dedication of her family and medical caretakers.
Whether you are a loved one that has become caretaker and decision maker, or a social worker/case manager walking beside seniors and their families, it is my goal to be your expert and compassionate resource.
It is my mission to walk beside seniors and their loved ones each step of the way through the process of finding the best senior living. The “Next Home”. A place where they can find comfort and dignity. A place where loved ones can feel they have the support they need to continue caring and making decisions for their senior. It takes a team, and I am dedicated to being part of your team.
How did the apple strudel turnout? Delicious, but not exactly like my grandmothers. However, I was flooded with memories and comfort with the first bite.
Wishing you the BEST and I look forward to serving you in 2024!
-Melodie Vise, Founder, Next Home Senior Advisors
